Nintendo Switch 連携アプリ「Nintendo みまもり Switch」紹介映像が大公開!
任天堂さんの新型ゲーム機"Nintendo Switch"。
先週のNintendo Switch プレゼンテーション2017で発売が2017年3月3日(金)と発表され、
その"Nintendo Switch"と連携して、お子さまのゲームプレイをみまもることができるスマホ向けアプリ、
「Nintendo みまもり Switch」も発表され、紹介映像が公開されました。
KOO-KI 池田一貴がこの制作に関わらせて頂きました。
大魔王の裏側にはこんな子煩悩な一面もあるんですね 笑
やっぱりそうなんですね 笑
「Nintendo みまもり Switch」。
Nintendo Switch Parental Controls - Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 Trailer has been revealed!
On March 3, 2017, Nintendo will be releasing a new video game console "Nintendo Switch".
"Nintendo Switch Parental Controls", which is a cooperative smartphone application with Nintendo Switch,
is enable parents to monitor their children's video game activities.
An introduction video for it has been revealed.
Kazutaka Ikeda from KOO-KI was involved in creating this video.
Adorable Bowser & Bowser Jr. introduce a new app.
What a good dad, Bowser!
The best scene that we KOO-KI love the most is the Princess Peach wallpaper on Bowser's smartphone.
Now this is what we call Bowser!
Nintendo clearly intended for parents and children to enjoy playing this app together.
"Nintendo Switch Parental Controls" may be an encouraging smartphone application for parents
those who wish to enjoy video games with your children.
(Official site)
Director: 池田一貴/Kazutaka Ikeda(KOO-KI)
Animator: 熊本周平/Shuhei Kumamoto(BIG FOOT)
(Kazutaka Ikeda Works)