第15回文化庁メディア芸術祭受賞作品展15th Japan Media Arts Festival’s Exhibition of Award Winning Works
場所:国立新美術館 企画展示室1E
Our iOS app "Mr.shape's TouchCard" created by Motohiro Shirakawa & Tsuyoshi Takamura will be exhibited at the 15th Japan Media Arts Festival's Exhibition of Award Winning Works, at The National Art Center, Tokyo, from February 22 to March 4.
"Mr.shape's TouchCard" is selected to the Jury's recommendation at the festival, the app is exhibited on the iPad, and the exclusive animation movie will be screened on a big monitor screen.
15th Japan Media Arts Festival's Exhibition of Award Winning Works
Dates: February 22 (wed) to March 4 (sun) 2012 (The museum close on February 28)
Time: 10:00-18:00 (Doors closes on 20:00 only for Friday)
Venue: The national art center, Tokyo
Admission free