にほんのうたフィルム映画祭Nihon-no-Uta Film Festival
江口カンが参加したプロジェクト「にほんのうた」が、 「にほんのうたフィルム映画祭 ~やれることからコツコツと! 東日本大震災復興支援~ 」を3月3日(土)から新宿 K’s cinemasにて2週間限定レイトショー(連日20時50分~)として行うことが決定しました。
時間:毎日 20時50分~
場所:新宿K’s cinema
料金:当日券のみ1,500円(回数券あり。回数券: 3,000円)
企画:にほんのうた実行委員会/ADK Arts
●3月 3日(土)
登壇監督 :江口カン/辻川幸一郎/牧鉄馬
司 会:門間雄介 (予定)
上映作品 :江口監督作品 「北風小僧の寒太郎」『金ちゃんのメダル』『つぶやき三四郎 予告』『ヘンチメン 予告』/辻川監督作品「かなりや」『 きまぐれロボット』/牧監督「赤とんぼ」『PARKING!』
A short film project "Nihon-no-Uta", Kan Eguchi joined as one of the film director, will produce the charity film festival for East Japan Earthquake, from March 3 at Shinjuku K's Cinema.
The film festival starts 8:50pm every night, from March 3 to March 16.
"Nihon-no-Uta" is a short film project which include 18 Japanese prestigious film directors' short films, and a talk show by the directors, director's hidden other short films' screening are also planned. The profit of this festival will be donated to the charity.
Eguchi will apprear with Mr. Koichiro Tsujikawa, Mr. Tetsuma Maki on March 3.
-The detail of the event
Time: starts 20:50 each night
Venue: Shinjuku K's cinema
Admission: 1,500yen (tickets sold on the day), there's a book of 3 tickets: 3,000yen)
Sponsored by Nihon-no-Uta comittee, ADK Arts
-March 3 detail
Guest speaker: Kan Eguchi, Koichiro Tsujikawa, Tetsuma Maki
Host: Yusuke Kadoma
Screening films: "Kitakaze Kozo no Kantaro""Kinchan's Medal""Trailer for Tsubuyaki Sanshiro""Trailer for Henchment" (by Kan Eguchi), "Canaria""Kimagure Robot" (by Koichiro Tsujikawa), "Aka Tombo""PARKING!" (by Tetsuma Maki)