Nippon Connection 2013
ニッポン・コネクションは今回はじめてフランクフルト大学でなく, アーティストハウス・ムゾーン塔(Künstlerhaus Mousonturm)とナクソスホール(Naxoshalle)で開催されます。一部のプログラムはドイツ映画博物館とマール・ぜーン映画館 (Mal Seh'n Kino)でも行われます。
場所:Mosuonturm, Waldschmidtstr. 4, 60316 Frankfurt, Germany
From June 4 -9, in Frankfurt Germany, The 13th Nippon Connection - Japanese Film Festival is kicking off and our program "KOO-KI Special!!! 2013" is screening at the festival.
The program will be 80 minutes long, there are a lot of European premiere works in it.
Other than our program, over 130 Japanese films will be screened. The festival is known as the biggest Japanese film festival in Europe.
Our program appears in this festival for the second time after 2009.
Dates: June 4 -June 9, 2013
Venue: Mosuonturm, Waldschmidtstr. 4, 60316 Frankfurt, Germany
Nippon Connection 2013