遊べる!デジタルアート展Let’s Play! Digital Art Exhibition
会場:アクロス福岡 交流ギャラリー
お問い合わせ:アクロス福岡文化観光情報ひろば TEL: 092-725-9100
(画像をクリックするとPDFファイルが開きます)An event for parents and kids "Let's Play! Digital Art Exhibition" will be held at Across Fukuoka from August 21 to 26. From KOO-KI, our iOS app "Mr.shape's TouchCard" will be exhibited.
A fun, hands-on exhibition where you can play using all five senses. This fantastic fun art exhibition is sure to enhance kids' curiosity.
You can play "Mr.shape's TouchCard" at the exhibition, with all 27 additional cards.
Let's Play! Digital Art Exhibition
Dates & Times: August 21 (Tue) - 26 (Sun) 10 am - 6 pm
Location: Across Fukuoka Communication Gallery
Admission: Free
Contact: Across Fukuoka TEL: 092-725-9100
Across Fukuoka
(Click to opne PDF flyer (Japanese))