上原桂 KOO-KIに入りましたKei Uehara joins KOO-KI
上原桂 略歴:
神戸芸術工科大学卒業後の1998年、MTV Station-ID コンテスト受賞をきっかけに、翌年MTV JAPAN 入社。
以降P.I.C.S. を経てフリーランスとして活動後、KOO-KIに参加いたしました。
主な受賞歴は、The Asian Television Technical & Creative Awards 2003 [Best Art Direction賞] 受賞、エジンバラ国際映画祭 - Mirrorball - にて作品招待等。A film Director / Art Director Kei Uehara joins KOO-KI now.
Kei is born in 1974, Osaka Japan.
After graduated from Kobe Design University, he won the MTV Station-ID contest. He joined MTV Japan in 1999, then joined P.I.C.S. and worked as a freelance director.
His skills are film direction, art direction, motion graphics, editing and music composition as well.
He won Best Art Direction at the Asian Television Technical & Creative Awards 2003. Invited to the Mirrorball at the Edinburgh International Film Festival.