平成23年度福岡県文化賞Fukuoka Prefecture Culture Prize 2011
このたび弊社所属の映像ディレクター・江口カンが平成23年度福岡県文化賞 奨励部門を受賞いたしました。
(江口カン初監督作品・九州を舞台にした鉄道映画「出発オーライ」(仮題) 平成24年公開予定)
■ 福岡県記者発表資料:http://www.pref.fukuoka.lg.jp/f17/h23bunkashoukettei.html
※ユニ通信社発行「CM通信 2011年10月17日(No.4566)」に、本件について記事を掲載していただきました。Kan Eguchi, who is our film director, is honored at the Fukuoka Prefecture Culture Prize 2011, as the winner of Encouragement Award.
The Fukuoka prefecture selects and awards this prize every year, with 3 awards to 3 individuals/groups, to promote the community culture.
According to the announcement, Eguchi is recognized his contribution to the community by his creating/directing work for numerous TV spots, short films etc, and he also encourages youth generation of the community, for example making a workshop to the young children.
Eguchi will direct his first feature movie, supposed to be shot in Kyushu (his local community, Fukuoka), and the movie will be released in 2012.
The ceremony and celebrations are to be held at Across Fukuoka Symphony Hall on Sunday December 25.