遊べる!デジタルアート展 Digital Art Exhibition at Fukuoka
★アクロス・こどもデジタルアートランド 遊べる!デジタルアート展★
日時:2011年08月06日(土) 〜 2011年08月10日(水)10:00 〜 18:00
会場:アクロス福岡 交流ギャラリー
お問い合わせ:アクロス福岡文化観光情報ひろば TEL: 092-725-9100
Our iPhone/iPad app "Mr.shape's Touchcard" will be exhibited at the "Enjoy! Digital Art Exhibition" from August 6.
In this exhibition, as a special sneak preview, the new touchcards will be revealed, the new cards are coming to app store in August.
Both those who already enjoy the app and those who haven't seen it yet will enjoy this unique opportunity!
Other digital arts are also exhibited.
ACROS Kids' Digital Art Land - Enjoy! Digital Art Exhibition
Mr.shape's Touchcard
Mysterious drum which turns your body to an instrument
Wonderful guitar which makes you a super guitarist
Amazing tree to stretch if you tread a branch
Great muscle which can control an movie and music
Lightning sea floating with jelly fish
*2011 Asia Digital Art Award Winner exhibition is also exhibited.
Date & Time: August 6-10, 2011 10am-6pm
Venue: ACROS Fukuoka Gallery
Admission Fee: Free
Official Website (Japanese)