Rushes Soho Shorts Festival 2011
村上が監督を務めましたチャンネルパッケージ「スカパー!『ワールドカップ専門チャンネル』」が、イギリスのRushes Soho Shorts Festivalでオフィシャルセレクションに選ばれました。
村上の「スカパー!『ワールドカップ専門チャンネル』」は、Broadcast Design Awardのオフィシャルセレクションに選ばれています。
Broadcast Designカテゴリーは、7/1(金)の夜に、ロンドンのDELUXE SOHOで上映されるようです。
Rushes Soho Shorts Festival
“SkyperfecTV! Worldcup Channel Package” which is directed by Hirosinante Murakami, is selected to the official selection at the Rushes Soho Shorts Festival 2011.
The festival is a not-for-profit festival celebrating the wealth of talent working across all genres of short film including live action drama, documentary, animation, music video, and broadcast design including online or mobile content, title sequences, and idents.
The work of newcomers and established filmmakers is promoted by screening work at cinemas, screening rooms and cafes throughout Soho and London’s West End.
Murakami's work is a official selection of the category Broadcast Design Award.
The Broadcast Design category will be screened on July 1, at DELUXE SOHO, London.
Rushes Soho Shorts Festival