TOYOTA PHVの❝車が全く登場しない❞プロモーションムービー『driving the piano』が公開!
KOO-KI企画・プロデュースのTOYOTA PHV 海外向けプロモーション映像
『driving the piano』が公開されました!!
これからのクルマの新しいカタチを実現するTOYOTA PHV。
美しいハーモニーを奏でるフルアナログの演奏装置「Trinity Piano」を
invisible designs lab.×TASKO inc.さんと、この映像のために共同開発。
TOYOTA PHVにインスパイアされた”ultimate ensemble”を
Just released: A promotional video designed and produced by
KOO-KI for TOYOTA PHV, titled “driving the piano”.
Directed by Kei Uehara (KOO-KI).
The TOYOTA PHV achieves a new reality for the future of cars.
The “Trinity Piano” was created as an expression of
this remarkable car. The Trinity Piano is a completely analog,
melodiously playing, mechanical piano that was
developed in collaboration with Invisible Designs Lab.
and TASKO for this video.
Meticulous calculations were required to complete this ensemble
by harmoniously integrating the player, music, and performance.
This is the epitome of the completely new driving experience
that TOYOTA has achieved.
Amusingly, no vehicle actually appears in this
promotional video for cars.
Experience our “ultimate ensemble” inspired by the TOYOTA PHV!
▼TOYOTA PHV | driving the piano
Direction:上原 桂/Uehara Kei(KOO-KI)
Produce:小川 淳/Ogawa Jun(KOO-KI)
:柳原 一太/Yanagihara Kazuta(Paddle inc.)
Production Manager:谷岡 吉朗/Tanioka Yoshiro(Paddle inc.)
Music Producer : 野田 眞如/Noda Masayuki (invisible designs lab.)
Music/Device design:松尾 謙二郎/Matsuo Kenjiro(invisible designs lab.)
Music design:中村優一/Yuichi Nakamura(invisible designs lab.)
Device design:木村 匡孝 /Kimura Masataka(TASKO inc.)
DOP:小川 ミキ/Ogawa Miki(trifoce)
Stylist:鷲津 マコト/Washizu Makoto(4D)
Hair make:新宮 利彦/Shingu Toshihiko(Surge)
Edit:小林 文朋/Kobayashi Fumitomo
Composite:沼田 健作/Numata Kensaku
▽上原桂の最新Worksはこちらよりご覧頂けます。/Uehara Kei Works
▽TOYOTA PHV(トヨタ プラグインハイブリッド)日本公式サイト